100% Cruelty free and vegan

Here at Such Skincare, we believe that all beauty products should be cruelty free.

It is one thing saying that we are cruelty free and vegan, but what about where we source our ingredients from?

For all of our skincare products, we trace where every ingredient has come from to ensure that our suppliers are cruelty free. Such skincare proactively monitor and audit our suppliers to ensure that our products continue to adhere to the our 100% cruelty free and vegan criteria. 

Australian Made

The Australian made logo is Australia's most trusted, recognised and widely used country of origin symbol, and is underpinned by a third-party accreditation system, which ensures products that carry the logo are certified as 'genuinely Australian'.

The AMAG logo can only be used on products that are registered with the Australian Made Campaign and meet the criteria outlined in the AMAG Logo Code of Practice. These criteria are equivalent to, or stricter than the provisions of the Australian Consumer Law.

All of our skincare products have been certified as Australian made.